March 12, 2023 – Third Sunday in Lent

March 12, 2023 - Third Sunday in Lent

March 12, 2023 | Third Sunday in Lent

The Lord is Among Us, Giving Living Water

One guideline consistently commended to hikers is the importance of bringing along sufficient water for the journey. It is important to be refreshed and revitalized along the way, wherever our paths may take us. As we gather for worship, our gracious God refreshes us here in this place where, as American hymnist Christopher Wordsworth beautifully phrased it, “Gospel-light is glowing With pure and radiant beams And living water flowing With soul-refreshing streams” (TLH 9:4). As we join in worship, our cups run over with that living water. Once again, we are renewed and satisfied and made ready to journey further in the name of the Lord.